Books for UPSC IAS are considered as an inextricably important during UPSC IAS preparation. No person can say that he or she did not study the relevant books for the UPSC IAS Exam during UPSC IAS preparation.and UPSC IAS Toppers and the teachers, lay stress on reading the best available books available in the market both online and offline. The basic concepts are same in all the books but the application of the concept makes all the difference hence some books are considered as the best books. The main issue is to do selection of appropriate or best books which are quite relevant and effective for UPSC IAS preparation. So, we have prepared a list essential books for UPSC IAS Exam suggested by the UPSC IAS Toppers of the last few years. These books have helped them immensely during UPSC IAS preparation and to score maximum marks in all the phases of UPSC IAS Exam. By choosing the below mentioned books, UPSC IAS aspirants can save their precious time during exam preparation and can score high marks as well. Suggested books in this write-up have a good coverage of topics of UPSC UPSC IAS Exam syllabus.

General Studies Paper I : 

Indian History

1. Ancient History: ‘Ancient India’ by RS Sharma (Old NCERT) has good coverage of UPSC IAS Prelims syllabus and you will find a number of questions that has been directly asked from this book.
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2. Medieval History: History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra (Old NCERT) is more relevant in this section because it has good coverage of topics of Medieval History of India.
3. Modern History: ‘A Brief History of Modern India’ by Spectrum as well as ‘Concise History of Modern India’ by Sujata Menon have good coverage of the Modern History syllabus for IAS Prelims Exam.
4. Indian Culture: For this section, the aspirant should go through the book ‘Facets of Indian Culture’ by Spectrum and also through the website of ‘Centre for Cultural Resources and Training’.